Surface Inspection

Arcon has developed a range of Inspection Lines to suit the needs of steel suppliers with increasing demands for high quality products for the automotive and white goods markets.
Using the experience gained over many years with major steel suppliers, Arcon supplies lines with manual or fully automatic surface inspection systems. This provides the option of electronically tagging the faulty surface area for use on the next process, or removing the lengths of material for second grade or scrap. The manual inspection systems use strobe lighting and a defect logging system, whereas the fully automatic systems use on-line cameras.
Arcon Inspection Lines can handle coils up to 35 000 kgs in weight, up to 2000 mm in width, and with thicknesses of between 0.3 and 3 mm. Depending on the application, line speeds of up to 500 metres per minute are possible.
Arcon Inspection Lines are designed to meet the requirements of each individual customer and normally include additional features such as tension levelling, re-coiling and edge trimming.
Tension Levelling
Edge Trimming
Strip Cleaning
Strip Oiling
Welding - LOL, Q Mash, Laser
Dual Full Grade and
Second Grade Recoiling
Thickness Gauge
Strip material physical properties
measuring system
Double unwind/rewind systems
Coil Preparation Station
Automated coil loading
Weighing Systems
Strip flatness measuring system
Coil Banding facility

Arcon has been a supplier of Tension Levelling and Inspection Lines for more than 30 years, with installations worldwide.
Arcon Tension Level Lines are built to process steel with strip widths of up to 1850 mm and thicknesses of between 0.2 and 2.3 mm. Depending on the application, line speeds of up to 300 metres per minute are possible. Using highly advanced Arcon Levelling Technology, flatness of 2 to 3 l-units can be achieved.

Recent installations of Arcon Recoiling and Inspection Lines have occurred in India, Iran and Russia. Arcon Recoiling and Inspection Lines have the following main features:
Auto Coil Loading
Coil Joining by either Welding or Stitching
Strip Cleaning
Tension Levelling
Scrap Rewinding
Strip Guiding
Edge Trimming
Scrap Edge Trim Chopping or Balling
Strip Inspection - Horizontal and Vertical
- Inspection lighting
- Camera Inspection
Electrostatic Oiling
Coil Rewinding
Improved coil wall build-up
Flatness improvement: 2 to 3 l units
Reclamation of prime material
- Remove non-prime material
- Build up prime coil with internal welds
Edge trim to required width
Provide auto industry standard inspection facilities